Sunday, July 20, 2014

Quatrefoil Crazy!

So I have been going a little crazy today...quatrefoil crazy!  I have some awesome quatrefoil backgrounds that I've made a calendar set and number posters with last week.  So I woke up this morning deciding to do a bunch of alphabet posters.

Now, next year...I will be printing one of the sets off and using in my classroom.  I would do it this year but I already printed and laminated Maria Manore's awesome alphabet posters and I have a thing lately about being careful on my ink.  I have the tendency of going through ungodly amounts of ink during the school year. year I will use my own ABC posters.  :)

Here are some samples of what they look like.  If you're interested...just click the picture.  Check out the calendar and number posters sets as well.

Here are the calendar sets and number posters as well:

Lastly, here is a *FREEBIE* just for today...possibly tomorrow if I wake up and forget to change it.  I use Lakeshore's huge rug with the colorful squares on it.  Each color is one of my tables.  So I made signs and labels for my room and thought I'd put it on the store as well.  The long labels will go on their supply bin in the middle of the table and the smaller ones on bins or containers.  The sign will go on the edge of their table hanging down, or possibly hanging from the ceiling.  I added a 6th table in case someone needs it and I made it yellow.  No, there is not a yellow row on that carpet...just wanted to do that if anyone just liked the color scheme.

Well, I'm heading out at 6pm for Estes Park, Colorado with my boyfriend on Tuesday.  So tomorrow I will make some new products and then pack.  So from Wednesday-Saturday I will probably not post anything new on the store.  

Have a great Sunday evening everyone!

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