Sunday, February 22, 2015

It's almost March?!?

It has been a while.  Eeek.  February has been a bizarre month for me so far.  Lots of ups and downs in general and I've been in a creative slump.  Here are somethings that has been happening this month that I want to share.

My blog design is on Designs by Kassie.  :)  I absolutely love the new design she made for me.  Go check out her website (click the picture).  She does great work.  I had a very tiny idea of what I would like and she took it and made it awesome!

I am going to PARIS again this June.  It's is definitely official now because my friend and I booked our flights.  I have been to Paris, she has not.  We are beyond excited!  I'll be gone 7 days and have 6ish days in the city.

Last week we were off for 2 days because of snow and ice.  It was a 3 day week with Friday because a professional development day.  On Monday I had a slight freakout that 3rd Quarter is almost up and conferences are around the corner.

If you follow me on Instagram you know that this little guy has been showing up in random places in my classroom.  One of the kids has fallen in love with the penguin and he leaves it in the most interesting spots (but I never see him do it...sneaky).

I have been letting my kids read aloud to the class when we have a few extra minutes here and there.  They LOVE it.  Here's a few who finished math early listening to one of our friends read.  They pick a leveled book they've read before to read loud and proud to their friends.  I've found it to be great motivation and love seeing their excitement.  It's that time of the year where the reading is booming.  I need to make more time for this.  :)  It's also that time of the year that I'm trying to provide my kids opportunities to read to whoever.  I have kids that read to other teachers, other classes, the secretary, principal, or whoever has the time.  Our school does this a lot because we put a big focus on it and on our kids who are below the reading targets.

This friend read a whole Fly Guy book without any hesitation or mistakes to the class before going home one day.  Since this day he's been reading up a storm.  I loved seeing other kids gain motivation from watching books being read to them and thinking they can do it too!  

I made this wooden sign to go above my newish area on the whiteboard for our learning intentions and success criteria.

All teachers and staff gathered at the new high school (the tornado took our old one) to listen to the super talk about our direction.

Snapped this one while waiting to leave the gym and get a goody bag.  Such a funky building.  I love it but I miss the old JHS that I graduated from.

Here I was an hour ago.  Sore throat and feel terrible.  Hoping this crud goes away.  I am sitting upright now typing that's a start.

Have a great week everyone!  Sorry for the lack of posting lately...sometimes life happens.

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