Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WHOA! Where has this been?!? A Touchtronic review.

*Disclaimer*- I am not being asked to write this review but I have had many people ask me about these letters or who have sent me a DM on my Instagram asking what in the world these cool interactive letters are.  I just love it and want to share how/why I use this in my classroom.

We have had the letters for almost two weeks and so far I am loving them!  I can't wait to use them in August when the kids are really working on letters/sounds.  The ABC app will be great for the first part of the year!

I still have a few kiddos have just recently mastered all their letter sounds...so this app is great practice for them.  Now, my kids who are reading DRA level 4 or higher...not so much.  But this is a great resource for your kids who are still struggling with letters/sounds or who need CVC practice (the app not shown in the video...but coming soon).

I love how the CVC app says the sounds, helps the students sound out the words, and lets them know if something needs to be changed.  The CVC app is great because the students can build CVC words, it sounds it out, and shows a picture of the word.  I even made some odd words that they may not think of...such as sob, and it had a picture of crying.  I did rob and it showed a thief.  Pretty neat stuff!  

Currently I am using this for my low readers/writers during RTI and station time.  On occasion I'll call a student up to my table to do one of the two apps just for extra practice if they finish early.  I just wish I had more than one iPad!  :)  Don't get me wrong, so thankful for our PTO...I know lots do not even have that.

Here's how it works, you buy the letters (box shown below) and then download the FREE apps (Touchtronic ABCs or Touchtronic 3 Letter Words).  The video down below shows a couple students using the ABC app.  

What I love best about it:
*Hands on
*Very interactive
*Great for individual or partner practice
*Uses technology...we all know how much our kids gravitate towards that.

Hands down amazingness right here!  You can purchase the letters on Junior Learning's website or they also have them on Amazon.com as well.  

Here is a short video of the ABC app in action.  Tomorrow or Thursday I will try to video students using the 3 Letter Word app. 

There is also a numbers set that I will purchasing next. :)  

Hope you enjoyed this little review and those who follow me on Insta who have thought it looks cool...now you can see a little what it looks like.

Be sure to check back in a day or two for the update with the second app (CVC word) video.

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